Colaboración de Sanara Estates Marbella con proyectos solidarios

Sanara Estates Marbella takes it very serious to committ helping families, children and animals in need. After 20 years collaborating wherever we can on the Costa del Sol, helping the less fortunate ones we have decided to committ even more.

We have decided to dedicate a percentage of every of our sales to one of our favorite charity organizations. We work closely with 4 Projects and you can now pick when, you buy or sell with us, to which of these projects the money should be donated.

The 4 Projects we have chosen are:


Caritas – Marbella

Caritas is the official confederation of charitable and social action entities of the Catholic Church. So many volunteers are involved in this project helping in so many different places. Especially here in Marbella we have different points and situation where Caritas helps the poorer. Services like breadkfast points for children before going to school, food collections from supermarkets, food distribution to elderly poor people that can´t move, collection of clothes and so many more assistance. They rely and depend of donations either of material, food or money to continue helping like they do.


Save The Children Andalucia

This NGO for children in Andalusia helps children to survive and learn to protect them from violence. Save The Children are working already for over 20 years in Andalusia with families that live in a situation of poverty and risk of social exclusion. Through their programs to combat child poverty, they seek to break the cycle of transmission of poverty and provide children with the opportunity for a better future. To do this, they coordinate with Social Services and educational centers to identify situations in which minors may be at risk of poverty and to encourage their families to be part of their comprehensive care program. Save the Children work with private foundations and socially responsible companies in the territory that want to join their cause and fight for the rights of children in Andalusia and globally. 

Almas de 4 Patas

Translated it means Soul of 4 Paws. As you can imagine it is an organization that rescues dogs and cats. Almas de 4 Patas do such a great job, nearly every day they find poor pets that have been abandoned or others that are in terrible health conditions. They take them to their shelter give them all their love and help them with their associated vets to bring them back to a healthy state. Once the doggies or kittens are in good health shape and rehabiltated they look for serious and reliable families that undergo a detailed adoption inspection. For all this enormous work, food, vet costs, sanitary, beddings etc etc they need volunteers and generous donations.


Ecologistas en Acción

Last but not least the ecologist organization that is very important for Andalusia. They take care of regions and areas that are affected of polution. Ecologists in Action (translated from the spanish name) help our planet to breathe again by mantaining areas clean and rehabilitate the natural balance of green areas in Andalusia. Finally it is us who need to help recovering our planet as we have done the most damage to itself.

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The Golden Visa

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